Building business credit for startups
Let’s talk business credit for startups Today I’m joined by Financial Literacy Advocate Valaise Smith. Valaise specializes in educating small business owners on the ABC’s of finances: Accounting | Budgeting|Credit. The “C” of ABC...
Credit Education Tips
Credit Education Tips Today, I’m joined by Kevin Butts and he’s providing some awesome credit educations tips. Throughout the video, we’ll touch on various aspects of the credit scoring model. Watch in its entirety Kevin provides a...
Money Mindset – Mindful Spending Plan
Create Financial Flexibility with Mindful Spending Habits Today, I’m going to talk about money mindset and creating mindful spending habits. When you desire change, the first step is awareness. So, before you do anything else, you’ll need to...
How to Budget Money
How to Budget Money – Budget Spreadsheet Money comes in, money goes out. The question is….. do you know where it’s going? Whether the answer is yes or no, there’s probably some room for improvement. Create a Budget Let’s create a spending plan to improve...