Scripting versus Traditional Vision Boards
For years, I’ve been writing my dreams in a journal and creating a vision board. It wasn’t until recently that I discovered this journaling process is known as Scripting.
What is scripting?
In case you aren’t familiar with the term, here’s the definition. “Scripting is a technique used in manifestation which sees you sitting and journaling as if your dreams have already happened. Like a “dear diary” moment for your dream life.”
Scripting vs. Vision Boards.
For me, they both have a purpose.
Both require you to raise your vibration and connect with your feelings. Both require you to believe in the possibilities of life.
Don’t limit yourself by current circumstances. Write your journal entries for the life you envision for yourself and BELIEVE that it will manifest. Dream BIG!
So, what’s the answer to the question?
Typically, I’m a visual person; so, you would think that I’d prefer a vision board. But, it’s strange, I actually prefer manifesting and/or visualizing through scripting.
In this instance, I’m more connected with my vision when I putting pen to paper. I think that’s the case because the visions are mine.
The images are of me. My imagination is taking me to specific places and/or events that I want to manifest. Whereas, the magazine clippings display pictures of strangers. The images of places that I want to visit are somewhat generic. For those reasons, writing my dreams in very vivid details resonate with me much better.
When I read my journal entries, close my eyes, and picture the words on the pages, I see me. I can feel the emotions of where I am. I can see myself living the words on the pages. Scripting is a powerful alternative to the traditional vision board.
The vision board activates a different process for me. Since I have my vision board in my office, it allows me the opportunity to see my goals/dreams on a daily basis.
On days when the door is slightly cracked and doubt tries to slip in, the vision board provides inspiration and motivation.
I look at the images…the quotes…and I reframe my thoughts to something positive. I make an effort to realign my thoughts and energy to my vision.
At the end of the day, which process you chose will be determined by your connection to what you’re doing. Which process helps your imagination lead the way? Which one taps into your feelings/emotions? Which process helps you tell a story about your future self as if it happening or it has already happened?
The answers to those questions will determine which process will work best for manifesting your desires. Focus on prosperity and abundance NOT scarcity and lack.
Remember, the stories of your mind become the stories of your life.
Journal the stories you’d love to live.
Steps to Scripting:
- Speak in the present tense. (I am…)
- Be very clear about what you want. Dream big but keep it believable 🙂
- Describe the situation in very vivid details (how it looks, how you feel etc)
- And, don’t forget to express gratitude.
- Let me know which technique you prefer.
Sherry Lou

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